At British IPTV, we want to ensure that you are 100% happy with your purchase. If you have any technical or sales issues, please get in touch with us. If our technical support does not solve your problem within 7 days, you will be able to get a full refund and return. We want to make things right, and we assure you that our services are very stable in most cases, and you will not face issues that we can’t solve. The refund policy will cover you in any case of a problem that comes from our technical side.

You will not be able to get a refund and returns in the following cases


      1. You will not be approved for a refund if the issue is not on our technical side. (If it is coming from your side, a device that you use, or a bad internet connection in your country or area). If any other possibility that does not include our technical possibilities.

      1. You will not be approved to get a refund in any case if you violate our terms and conditions and your account is suspended.

      1. You will not be approved to get a full refund if you have bought one-month or three-month subscriptions.

      1. You will not be approved for a refund if you fill in the ordering form with the wrong connection information. Like (The wrong Mac address) also, once a subscription is active for a device, there is no chance to change devices because the previous device was already activated as you required.

      1. You will not be able to access a refund if you do this or if you want to trigger another device. You need to buy a new subscription with us without a refund for your previous purchase. To prevent that, when you make a subscription with us, be sure you fill in the correct information and know which device you want to connect to.

      1. Only devices and applications that use the M3U playlist can be switched with the same subscription. (Devices that require a MAC code to connect cannot be switched with other devices. The subscription is strictly activated for that MAC).

    If you think you’re able to get a refund and returns, follow the steps

    You can apply for a refund within 7 to 14 days of the start date. Please note that we make every attempt to process the refund as quickly as possible. However, our payment processor or your financial institution can take up to 7 – 30 days for the refund to reflect in your bank account/card. Once you request a refund, you can’t subscribe to our service again at any time in the future.

    Requesting a Refund Policy

    Follow the steps below to get your refund request sent to us:


        1. Use the contact form to request a refund.

        1. Use the same Whatsapp you use to buy our services.

        1. Include your invoice number and your Mac code in case you use a device with a Mac.

      Important information: Once you subscribe to us, you agree to our refund policy, terms, and conditions. Even if you missed reading this, our policy is very strict and impartially correct. We care